Meet Charlie McIntyre, MoIEE*

*Member of the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs

Providing solid, practical advice that drives results…

My advice and training is based on 30 years’ experience in a diverse range of Industries and Professions across all market segments.

I give solid, practical advice and help that produces results, increases sales and gross profit.

My mantra is “If it’s not making money, stop doing it”.

A diverse and experienced sales trainer

I’ve delivered tuition and advice to a broad spectrum of industries and sectors, including:

Manufacturing; IT & Telecoms; Distribution; Retail; Marketing and Media services.

I’ve delivered training on a wide range of subjects, including:

Sales – Telesales, Field Sales, Negotiation, Key Account Management, Customer Service skills

Personal – Presentation skills, networking, confidence building, personal development, mentoring, communication skills

Leadership and Management – Management skills, Leadership, Coaching, Appraisal Techniques, Interview Screening,

In the past 8 years I have focused on 1:1 coaching for individuals at all business levels, recently completing a High Growth Programme for 50 SME’s in just over two years.

A straightforward approach to getting results

I don’t do ‘pink and fluffy’. I provide straightforward, honest and practical advice and training, designed to produce results, increase sales and your gross profit.

I often start with a skills appraisal of each of the individuals and an honest self-assessment with the help of some of my specialist sales tools, appraisal documents and questionnaires.

By training employees to understand their roles and responsibilities, along with equipping senior management with effective leadership and management skills, is crucial for maintaining high confidence levels within a company. This approach fosters growth and longevity, even in volatile markets. By ensuring everyone knows their role and how to excel in it, we can keep costs low and profits high. Strong leadership further supports this by guiding teams efficiently, making informed decisions, and sustaining a motivated, cohesive workforce. This comprehensive training strategy not only enhances individual performance but also drives overall company success.

I am not afraid to get stuck in and be the one that says “The King has got no clothes on” and take a pragmatic approach to current issues.

The support you need

I am a business ‘all-rounder’ with readily transferable skills to any sector. I will work to support your business and deliver a focused business strategy to increase your sales and profits, as well as fostering growth and longevity in todays volatile economy.

Ask me about my 10-day complete sales training programme