Sales Team Assessment Form

take your sales team assessment today and take your company growth to the next level.

Answer the questions below and then submit the form. i will get back to you with an assessment of your team and how i can help.

Please only choose one answer per multiple choice question.

When should you set your objective for the sales call?

When should you make the appointment for?

Which of the following do you think is most important?

What do you feel is the most important of the following, to plan for?

When making your introduction, what do you feel is the most relevant?

Choose an open question from the following:

Choose a closed question from the following:

To find out relevant information, you have asked the following questions. Which one is the closed question?

Which of the following is a feature of a white board marker pen?

Which of the following is a benefit of a white board marker pen?

Which of these are link phrases between features and benefits?

Which of the following is a buying signal?

Which of the following are recognised closing methods?

'Do you want 10 or 15' is which of the following closes?

When your customer is unsure of what they are saying which of the following body language traits will they show?

What do you enjoy most about selling?

You are selling into a solicitor's practice. Which of the following is an irrelevant benefit?

Which of the following is a unique selling point?

Who do you prefer to call on?

Which of the following do you prefer?