
This appraisals course is for managers who want to get the best out of their employees.

As a manager, it is vital to ensure you have an engaged and committed team of employees but how do you ensure this? If you ask them directly, can you be sure you’ll get a truthful answer, or just something they think you want to hear? CM Services (UK) Ltd can gather that information for you as it’s much easier to be truthful about the company with an outside person. We will then work together to evaluate the information and find a way forward.

My simple but effective form will get your team discussing topics such as:

The Job

  • Describe your job role.
  • Key responsibilities.
  • Areas you excel in.
  • Areas for development.
  • Most frustrating aspect of the job.

Team Work

  • Professional working image of the team.
  • Relationship with the rest of the team.
  • Relationship with your line manager.
  • Personal time management within the team.
  • Other duties you are required to do as part of the team.

Personal Profile

  • Are you good at problem solving.
  • How good are your communication skills?
  • Do you have any training requirements?
  • What do you get out of your job?

The Company

  • Do you have a bonus scheme? If so, what do you think of it?
  • Any jobs or tasks outside your main job role you do or would like to do?
  • Do you think you are treated fairly by your employer?
  • Any changes you would recommend and why?
  • Any further questions or comments?

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